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The Worlds Final Consumption”. A picture of whole foods. Fresh dairy, meats, grains and vegetables.

A sin is a trespass against Gods laws. Gods laws forbid pedophilia, incest, adultery, murder, bestiality, homosexuality, prostitution, drinking alcohol, eating pork and eating shellfish. Lying, stealing and believing in other Gods too.

Then a wandering teacher from Bethlehem walked into the picture and declared that in order to get into heaven, one must forgive all of these sins. Let’s determine if this teacher deserved to be killed, or if he actually provided the world with some profound wisdom, or leadership?

And are we to abandon the word ‘normal’ for such a sake? Are we too ignore failure and act as if it never happened? Are we to say that everyone is a sinner, so that the liars and thieves can live in a land of delusion where they are free from sin? Are we to ignore the causes of war?

I just don’t get it. Since when do you have to have a university degree to debunk a theory? Debunking theories is fair game to every level of education. It is just a huge problem when the entire education system is based on a stupid theory. You know …the vow they took when they swore that we are all good and equal. Even more stupid on a national level.

And again …I just don’t get it, and I am a pretty smart guy. They didn’t want to give me the money from the invention of the internet because they didn’t want one person to have it. So they gave it to some other guy. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

I get it though. Only good people can be musicians, and musicians are all good people. I guess I am not a good person. Nor was I ever. So I can’t be a musician. Nor can I be a writer. I am not allowed to earn any money from my intellectual property because I smoke pot and drink beer.

America really is, a very demented country with a very sick group of people inside of it. They actually believe that celebrities are good people. And that is a belief because they really know nothing about them. “But he was in a Disney Movie!

Anyways, I can accept that Intellectual Property should sometimes go to the masses, like a Constitution or something, but a fucking song is fair game. Even when Intellectual Property is given to the masses, a simple credit is still due. And by the way, it is not my fault, nor problem that a genius only works for five minutes. Y’all have never put in that type of work in your entire lives.

Yeah …it is the truth. Some people will spend 40 years in school without ever creating genius, while a 7 year old can walk into a classroom and do it in five minutes. He can also do it 10 more times throughout his or her life. But again … “he just can’t be a genius! He has tattoos!

“And he is mentally ill! I just wonder where that could have possibly come from? I get it though … “you mean he doesn’t like us? He must be crazy! He should be writing us a thank you letter right now. And an apology too. You know …for getting upset about this treatment. We demand respect!

Personally, when I watch the last 20 years of television footage of Senator Bernie Sanders, all that I see is a demented old man that, “doesn’t understand why he has to pay for shit”. I don’t know what y’all got out of it, but I spot a lazy sack of monkey crap, whom should be sent back to communist Poland.

That is also my sentiment towards the people of the free world, and they’re beloved democracy. They absolutely hate capitalism and they are doing everything monkey possible to obstruct it. I would even say that they have already criminalized it. They too, just don’t understand why on earth they have to pay for anything?

And Mr. Gore. I get it. “How the hell could he be a genius if he does drugs? We just cant take him seriously. But we will use his intellectual property”. I am not sure what he thinks he is watching, but I see a guy trying to earn an honest living, and being terrorized for it.

It funny folks …the village has a tremendous effect on people and it is not a good one. Telling people that we are all good and equal causes phycological disorders, and enables crime. Divorce too. Like when reality hits them, and then start to feel disappointed. Then they just don’t know how to deal with it all. One things for certain … “Its a long way back to Germany”, and someone is just flat out lying to themselves. And to others too.

It is a scam folks. One big scam. The treatment y’all have been giving me is your vote to get the same. I am just the mentally ill drug addict who is trying to talk y’all out of it. Believe me, being a genius is a living nightmare, and y’all have just voted to take over the reigns.

One day, you will understand my books a little differently. Like when you really learn how to read, write, and take in the information you receive. Maybe, reject it for something better of your own.

And that was my real crime. My genius makes the teachers feel like a lesser person. Well …that is exactly what a genius is supposed to do, and that is exactly what they really deserve, rather I. I just cant understand why it is okay with everybody that it is more profitable to be a teacher rather then genius? The free world truly is, upside down and backwards.

My work takes what is now on bottom, and places it on top. And takes what is now on top, and places it on bottom. Like any genius does. I hate to break your hearts, and stand in the way of your much desired Global Genetic Modification, but Albert Einstein was a fraud of a genius, and a danger to society.

Mark my words …soon it will be you that is called to give, and when you refuse, they will lock you up in a mental institution. You just don’t see it because right now y’all are living a life of luxury off of stolen resources, and its relative free welfare. That too, is coming to an end very soon.

My God …the worst part about it is that it just doesn’t have to be like this. I could be very happy skiing the greatest mountains in the world, and eating the best steaks. Yeah …right here in Canada. I just don’t understand why a guy that by all accounts is so useless, is being used to such a degree? Why is it that I can’t earn ANY money, rather have all of it. I am not trying to take over the world. I do not understand how anybody could see this treatment as appropriate.

If you don’t want to read my books, that is fine with me, but I sure as hell did not give them away for free.

This is the most childish and immature treatment imaginable, and it is certainly not me, that is disgracing the nation.

I thought this was the best place in the world to open up a business, and benefit from your own hard work, but have found this country to be the worst. And it is not me who is responsible for that, nor should feel the need to change. Personally, I think they’re diapers need to be changed, and I refuse to do that for them. Y’all really need a father, and London Marble is always hiring. I just hate to break it to you though …working at London Marble does not make you a genius.

Pretty obvious to me that my parents so called love is the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed, and it has been going on my entire life. By them, and the nation. When I was a kid, I would get a spanking for catching a bigger fish then he did. The next time we went fishing they grabbed the fucking rod out of my hands, so that they could reel it in and get the trophy.

Now, that is leadership! A Safety Leadership Orientation. I guess the family dinner was dependent on it. Not kidding. And, they live in the nicest houses in the world, they earn 100K a year, and their is a grocery store 5 minutes away. Petty jealousy really. You have to be pretty low class to steal candy from a baby. That is fat people for you. They just don’t understand the difference between right and wrong. Obviously. And that is why they are so fat.

Funniest part about it, is that the degenerate monkey thought that I was stealing from him. Talk about low class scum. Look! There are plenty of fish in the sea. Plenty of chickens in the coup. And plenty of options on the guitar. It is not my fault, that they are slow, fat and lazy. Nor is it God’s fault.

What they want from me is to help them write their very own song. But they want me to place their hands in chord positions, move their arms in a strumming pattern, and then come up with a killer hook. Then they want me to give them all the credit. Talk about retards. I just refuse to do that.

In their defence, they claimed that it was a state of emergency. Global warming and pollution of the rivers. So I told them, “stop polluting, and make the production of non biodegradable goods, illegal”. They refused, and continued to pollute the local river. So I went fishing in the lake. And then they followed me around and continued to steal my glory.

Look folks! The real state of emergency is that they are a bunch of fat lazy slobs that just prefer to lie, cheat and steal, rather then just fish on their own. And when I declared that, they claimed to now know the real problem. Apparently I am a bigot and a racist for getting upset about all of this. An intolerant person, who is filled with hate in his heart. Apparently, the real problem is that I haven’t accepted Jesus in my heart.

Of course, Jesus made one trip to the sea to feed the masses. And that is the real problem. These mentally ill tandems, which prevent them from understanding grade 9 mathematics. Instead they got a PHD in theoretical math, which I have found to be worth about as much as a used tampon. And they actually want me to accept that me and my girl must live such a life, so that they can continue a life of luxury at our expense.

Like I said folks …all of that came from the richest country in the world. They live in million dollar homes, while I was battling a crack addiction, and sleeping in my car. Mind you, still working to make end meets. And again, it doesn’t have to be that way. I have met all kinds of people that I respect, but I just refuse to say that everybody is good and equal. I refuse to turn a blind eye to crime, and I refuse to condone stealing, or a lifestyle of sloth.

Mark my words …the TV Show Seinfeld will one day be banned, if I am refused my right to exist. And I love that show. It reminds me of my youth. And even with its weird ending. “Nothing is perfect, and perfect is nothing”. That is why they do nothing but watch TV, and that is why I just don’t buy this universal truth crap. Y’all are just lying to yourselves, and that is thanks to that snake Jesus Christ. I fucking hate that guy.

Trust me folks …there will always be new genius’. I just want to enjoy my day in the sun, and y’all have yet to move one inch past my leadership. Y’all never developed my work. Y’all never out smarted my genius. And Y’all have never proved genius of your own. Just like NASA, y’all traveled light years in five minutes, but never moved an inch for the next 1000 years. Your so called genius just doesn’t add up.

Jesus Christ was a false prophet. And it is always the end of the world with those types of people. So they seek to travel through time, when really they have all the time in the world. They just don’t want to do the right thing. So they lie, and even say that they don’t know what that is? Sadly, that may very well be the truth because of science teachers like that.

So they terrorize my family so that they don’t have to deal with the terror of an honest days work. Spending their days preforming experiments on me, to try to figure out what is really wrong. It just couldn’t be that they are dog shit, and that is just how a welfare case gets through life. I am here to put an end to it. You see, with those types of people, it is always an emergency, and their is always but one option. Lie, cheat and steal. Then they charge you with terrorism for refusing to share. As if, I am the one that is actually disturbing the peace. I am sorry, but I just refuse to die on a cross for free welfare.

I will certainly love my wife and kids, but I just refuse to suffer for some piece of garbage that prefers to steal from me, rather then just get their fat ass off of the couch. I just don’t want anything to do with free welfare, and I find free entitlements even more offensive. I was raised to earn the love I receive, and if ever given help, it was done out of respect, rather charity.

I am sorry, but I just cant respect a welfare case, and that is because I love myself, and my wife and kids. Personally, I would be ashamed of myself as a man if I had to resort to such a pathetic existence to provide for them, and that is what I find so offensive about this country.

So what did the liars and thieves do about that? Well …they tried to force me into living that life. Making me live their life, while they enjoyed the spoils of mine. Not everybody did that, but that certainly is what the story told. And it is a sad one, which to this very day, they refuse to do anything about. And that is only because of how fat and rich they are getting off of my blood.

On a great note, that is not how I feel about the mother of my kids, and only the scum of the earth could ever say something like that about his or her kids. Sadly, she too, may be suffering because of all of this. My God …she may be an Iraqi? And some degenerate pervert is trying to defile her.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart! You will always be 25 to me, and you are the most beautiful woman in the world because you are the mother of my children. And believe me, you are surely not hard to look at. Besides, I am too old to be looking at the other ones, and it is offensive to my kids. I am aware. I am not perfect, and I never said I was. That is just something the liars and thieves have trouble accepting in their own lives. A so called life that really just is, the identity crisis of a retard. And that is a scientific fact.

On Day 1, I will tattoo your name on my right hand. An X across Jane. That is an X across #1-24, and certainly NOT a shot at Mel, Marrah, Joanne, Katie, Shelby, Pam and FRIENDS. I love those chicks, and they mean a lot to me. But of course, you are my wife. That is way different, and just wait until you see how I treat you.

Day 1 will mark a few things. 1000 years for sure. The rebirth of Generation X? Maybe. Certainly, it is time to cross things out. Definitely not my books. Certainly Bernie Sanders. By the way, the Charlie Manson line was just a bad joke. Hint. Hint.

Anyways, surely a warning is due before you read these books. I say some things that really harmed the people of the free world. Horrible stuff like, “if you want to like someones asshole, then go right ahead. I don’t care, but personally, I want nothing to do with it!

And stuff like, “I get it …Iraq is not responsible enough to have control of their own oil because they don’t have abortions. Thats right. Because apparently abortions are the responsible thing to do”.

So …people of the free world! Just one question before. You read these books, and I blow your fucking head off …Is there such thing as disability in your demented land of delusions? And is anybody responsible for that? And please do not blame God. He has no time for liars and thieves.

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