About Us
I Turn My Experiance into a
In 2006 Al Gore released a Nobel Prize winning documentary where he pointed me out in front of the whole world. The story says that when he was in grade school, the kid beside him raised his hand to prove the theory of Pangea to his teacher. This intellectual property, was then labelled shifting plate tectonics, and this student got nothing out of it. In fact he went on to become a homeless drug addict, while his teacher got a promotion, and another well deserved paid vacation.
Then my genetic disease sprouted, and I started seeing the free world from a different perspective. I started blaming democratic rights as the root of all evil, and then I engaged in a public outburst of disgust, which ultimately led to my diagnosis of bi-polar schizophrenia.
But with the help of many a psychiatric drugs, I have been cured by the good doctors of the free world. It took a whole lot of well educated reasoning, but in the end I have come to accept that the democratic values mentioned in Gore’s Nobel Prize winning documentary are what secure true love, progress, nationwide financial prosperity, religious empowerment, and the pinnacle of health, strength, and family values.
Since then, I have abandoned the harmful ideologies that promote home cooking and natural foods, and now I accept the fact that their is nothing wrong with eating fast food all day. In fact, I now realize that eating nothing but fast food is actually good for you, and processed cheese is the pinnacle of nutrition. I now understand that processed cheese is what makes Canada the greatest nation in the world, and an international hot spot for cuisine.